Save big, shop Featured Used Vehicle Specials available at Janesville Subaru in Janesville, WI today. Explore all our latest limited time pricing on a select group of quality used vehicles. Whatever your lifestyle or budget demands, you’re sure to find the perfect Featured Used Vehicle for your everyday needs. Choose from a variety of makes and models offered at unbeatable discounts! We even offer special pricing on some Subaru Certified Pre-Owned vehicles that offer a variety of benefits that include:
When you shop used, you’re able to get more great features for less! Take advantage of the depreciation value up front rather than being on the hook for it after your purchase like many car owners experience when purchasing a brand new car. That’s not all, used cars also generally have the benefit of lower insurance rates, smaller fees, lower customization costs, and lower registration fees!
Janesville Subaru in Janesville, WI treats the needs of each individual customer with paramount concern. We know that you have high expectations, and as a car dealer we enjoy the challenge of meeting and exceeding those standards each and every time. Allow us to demonstrate our commitment to excellence!
We encourage you to browse our online inventory, schedule a test drive and investigate financing options. You can also request more information about a vehicle using our online form or by calling 888-416-9758. If you don’t see a particular vehicle, click on CarFinder and complete the form. We will gladly inform you when a matching car arrives. We look forward to serving you!